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For the first time HABE will provide accreditation exams in levels 1, 2 and 3 of Euskera in Buenos Aires


Basque students at a barnetegi held in January in Tandil (photo
Basque students at a barnetegi held in January in Tandil (photo


This year Basque students in South American clubs will be able to take exams for levels 1, 2 and 3 of Euskera, thanks to a new call by HABE. So, those professors who have trained in the Euskera Munduan program 2007/2011 will be able to be accredited. “In Buenos Aires, we hope that more than 30 people will test,” Kinku Zinkunegi, program coordinator explained to Additionally, there will be other annual testing opportunities in Madrid and Barcelona. In all three cases, the deadline to register for the test is from Wednesday to Friday of next week.


Donostia-San Sebastian.  HABE will carry out tests this year to accredit levels 1, 2, and 3 of Euskera in Madrid, Barcelona, and for the first time in Buenos Aires.  This new opportunity is provided for Basque club students, and anyone interested in taking the test needs to have been enrolled in a Basque class in one of the clubs from July 1, 2011 to March 30, 2012. 

Even though these tests are the norm in Madrid and Barcelona, the test in Buenos Aires is new.  HABE representatives are hoping that at least 30 students enroll for the test in Argentina.  In Madrid a similar number is expected and in Barcelona a dozen students or so are expected mainly in levels 2 and 3. 

“It is worth mentioning that the scores of students in Madrid are usually very good.  They seem to be above the average obtained by students in euskaltegis in the Basque Country that pass the test,” Kinku Zinkunegi noted.

The written exams will take place in Barcelona on May 12 and in Madrid on May 19.  Anyone who passes the written will have to take the oral exam in both locations that will take place between June 21-23.  In Buenos Aires, both exams will take place between October 12-14.

To enroll go to  The price of registration is 18 euros in each of the levels. 

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