euskal diaspora eta kultura


Angel Mari Arriada

Angel Mari Arriada
Angel Mari Arriada Elizeche, Bizi Emankorra saria eskuetan

2017/04/16 - Daly City, CA, AEB

Aspaldi Kalifornian bizi zen Angel Arriada arizkundarra hil da San Frantziskon, tupustean, erori bat izan ondoren. Joan den otsailean, San Frantziskoko 'Bizi Emankorra' saria jaso berria zuen, bere bizitza osoan egindako lanagatik, erabat harro eta pozik, bere familiak inguratuta. Pare bat hilabete geroago etorri zaigu berri lazgarria. Agur eta besarkada bero bat, Angel. Hona otsailean, Gracian Goyhenetche BCCeko lehendakariak berari buruz esan zituenak 'Bizi Emakorra' saria ematekoan:

Bere ibilbide emankorretik, Euskal Etxeko Gracian Goyhenetche lehendakariak azpimarratu zuen, besteak beste: SFBCCko inaugurazio programa ofizialean, 1982ko Martxoaren 28an, lehenengo pilota goma partida Angel Arriadak bere partaide Jose Irigoyenekin jokatu zuela, Jean Goñi eta Pierre Irolaren kontra. Handik gutxira, Euskal Etxeko Pilota Batzordeak pilota modu bakoitzeko arduradunak izendatu zituen bere baitan, eta Angel Arriada izendatu zuen pilota gomako lehendabiziko arduraduna (chairman). Arduraduna ezezik, pilotari ere aritzen zen eta txapelketa asko irabazi zituen urteetan zehar.

1985ean, bolondres eskaini zuen bere burua Euskal Etxeko eraikinaren mantenimendu eta garbiketa lanetarako, eta Jean Gorostiaguek eta Anita Arduainek osatutako talde horretako kide zen. 1993tik 1996ra SFBCCeko Zuzendaritza Batzordeko kide hautatu zuten. Langile porrokatua izan da euskaldunen eta SFBCCen alde, eta 2000ko urriaren 22an, Estatu Batuetako Euskal Pilota Federazioak esker oneko domina eman zion, SFBCCeko beste bost kiderekin batera, pilota zabaldu eta sustatzen eginiko lan baliotsuarengatik.

Familia eta lagunak gonbidatuak daude St. Veronica elizan egingo den errosario eta mezara (434 Alida Way, South San Francisco, CA) goizeko 9:15etan hasita (Meza 10etan hasiko da) ostegunean, apirilaren 20an.

Gure doluminik zintzoena bere emazte Mari Carmen-i eta bi alaba Rosemary eta Bernadette-ri, bere anaia Jesus-i eta familia osoari.

(Jean-Paul Barthek prestatu bideoa)


Hona San Francisco Chronicle, argitara eman hil-oharra:

Angel Arriada

(February 13, 1933 - April 16, 2017)

Angel Marie Arriada was 84 years old when he passed away on the morning of Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017. His final days were spent surrounded by love with his family.

He was born on February 13, 1933 in the small basque village of Arizcun, Spain to parents Urbano Arriada and Encarnacion Elizeche. He grew up on a farm where they raised sheep. The oldest of six, he spent much of his time working on the farm but during his free time would escape to the town's handball court where he would play "pilota." At the age of 18, he immigrated to Bakersfield, CA. In exchange for five years of sheepherding services, the US government provided him with citizenship. From there he moved to the San Francisco bay area where he established his gardening business. He frequently returned to the basque country to visit family and friends and eventually met and married Maria Carmen Garbalena, with whom he had just completed 47 years of marriage. Angel and Carmen raised two beautiful girls and have four grandchildren.

Angel and his wife lived in Daly City, where even into his retirement Angel continued his gardening business (though at a much smaller size). When not gardening, he could be found taking five mile walks, playing cards at the Basque Cultural Center, hanging out with his grandkids or watching his pilota games on the computer. Angel was a positive and gregarious individual who loved to interact with people and share stories. He will be greatly missed but never forgotten. 

Angel is survived by his wife, Maria Carmen, daughters Rosemary (husband Daryl) Arriada-Keiper, Bernadette (husband Oscar) Lara, grandchildren Ryan and Amaya Keiper, Maite and Mateo Lara, his brother Jesus Arriada (wife Maria Asuncion) and sisters Bernadette Arriada, Ana Mari Arriada, and Anuntxi Arriada. Angel is also survived by numerous nieces, nephews and in-laws. He was preceded in death by his brother Juan Jose Arriada. 

Friends and family are invited to attend Angel's Viewing/Rosary and Mass Service will be held at St. Veronica's Church, 434 Alida Way, South San Francisco, CA starting at 9:15am (Mass will begin at 10am).

The Interment Service will follow at 11:30am at Holy Cross Cemetery, 1500 Mission Rd, Colma, CA. 
Family and friends are invited to a lunch reception, after the Interment Service, at the Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave., South San Francisco, CA.

Donations may be made to the charity of your choice  in Angel's honor.


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