euskal diaspora eta kultura

Besteek esana

Why Basques wear their berets with pride (BBC irrati audioa)


As Catalonia grapples with the debate on independence, there's a range of thoughts and ideas throughout Spain as to how it should proceed. An election on Thursday will decide who will replace the regional government that was sacked for organising an illegal referendum on whether to break away. But in a country with seventeen different regions, how do people express a distinctive identity while belonging to a whole? BBC Newsday has been to the Basque Country and one thing they’ve got there is the beret that is seen as quintessentially Basque. Newsday’s Ben James went shopping at the venerable Bilbao hat shop, Sombreros Gorostiaga.


(Picture: Bilbao hat shop, Sombreros Gorostiaga, with the owner, Emilio Pirla (L) and BBC's Ben James (R). Credit: BBC)

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