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Gaztemundu 2012 will be dedicated to Euskera, with two parts: training and an optional two week barnetegi


2011 Gaztemundu participants at the V. World Congress of Basque Collectiviteis
2011 Gaztemundu participants at the V. World Congress of Basque Collectiviteis


Youth in the Diaspora Basque clubs have until the end of the month to apply for Gaztemundu, but they should keep in mind that this year’s program is focused on teaching Euskera. For this reason, people older than 18 who are teaching or who want to teach Basque in their Basque clubs are the ones who will really benefit from the program. Gaztemundu will begin on September 3 and this year will be complemented by a two-week barnetegi.

Donostia-San Sebastian.  This year’s Gaztemundu training program will have a little different structure, in response to proposals made by Diaspora Basque clubs and federations during the V. World Congress of Basque Collectivities, last November.  As a part of the conclusions of the Congress the delegates proposed a series of topics to be covered at Gaztemundu during the next four years.  At the head of the list was teaching Euskera as it is recognized as “one of the most solid activities” at the Basque centers.

So, the 2012 Gaztemundu program is dedicated to Basque teachers in the Euskal Etxeak.  The goal is to train these young professors, however keeping in mind the characteristics and necessities of the collectivity.  Participants need to be older than 18. “It isn’t enough to know Basque, however, there are many who are learning Basque and the challenge that they have before them is not negligible,” Kinku Zinkunegi, head of HABE’s Euskara Munduan program explained to  Highlighting the level of demand faced by this group of non-professionals, Zinkunegi continued, “the recipients, students, know exactly what they want and the motivations and needs are extremely varied.”

A tailored suit

One of the challenges of Gaztemundu 2012 will be to develop the tools necessary to respond to these needs.  “The goal is to tailor a suit for them, for the face to face classes as well as for distance education.  In many countries the students are spread out and so it becomes problematic to teach classes at the clubs once or twice a week,” Zinkunegi says.

In addition, reflection on the specific needs of Basque classes in the Basque centers will take place, according to Zinkunegi.  “There is a demand and groups are formed, but later people don’t attend, mainly because we haven’t met the students’ expectations.  I think we need should draft a reflection on the subject, something that will take place at Gaztemundu,” he continues. 

Training and barnetegi

This year Gaztemundu will be comprised of two parts.  The first will take place from September 3-14, in the form of a training course where students will be taught methodology didactics, resources, and will exchange experiences, practice…

The second part, for those who wish to participate will be a barnetegi, an intensive immersion class lasting two weeks.  “Some are in the process of learning Basque but have only been studying in their country, without having stepped foot in the Basque Country.  I think for them it will be a great inspiration.  For others, however, who have already reached an advanced level (some even having earned EGA), and will have completed their training.  In this case the goal is to refresh their Basque and recover the level that they had once achieved, “Zinkunegi concludes.


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