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This video is an invitation for Euskera launched to the world by the children at the Ikastola in Boise


Shot from the video created by students at the Boiseko Ikastola for International Day of Euskera 2016
Shot from the video created by students at the Boiseko Ikastola for International Day of Euskera 2016


It has been online since yesterday, and has received much attention, smiles, and the approval of several people all over the world.  This video, created to commemorate Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna (ENE) or the International Day of Euskera, was created by students and adults at the Ikastola in Boise.  It is an open invitation and a testimony from the Diaspora to Basque nd Basque culture: Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez.  Here it is.

Boise, ID.   The Ikastola in Boise in a unique initiative in the world and is an example of the support for Euskera and the Basque culture that exists worlwide thanks to Diaspora Basques, the majority descendants of immigrants, who despite the time and the generations that have passed, ratify and renew their attachment, commitment and respect for the culture that they have inherited and made their own, regardless of distances and where they are in the world.

Thanks to the International Day of Euskera 2016 students at the Ikastola in Boise join in the celebration with joy and color, from music and imagination, and invite Basques in Euskal Herria and the Diaspora to do the same.  Zorionak to them, and to everyone who shares this same enthusiasm, care, and commitment to Euskera around the world.  

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