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The William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno awarded ENE Saria 2017


The William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies in Reno, NV.  Welcoming you, Kate Camino (
The William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies in Reno, NV. Welcoming you, Kate Camino (


The William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno is awarded the ENE Saria 2017 according to a note from Eusko Ikaskuntza.  The recognition comes on the 50th anniversary of the center’s founding.  Just as it was made public, Kate Camino, administrative assistant at the Center, shared the good news on Facebook, highlighting its arrival in this special year, and also thanking everyone for the honor. 

Donostia-San Sebastian.   Eusko Ikaskuntza, the Society of Basque Studies stressed that the jury had taken into Account the “tremendous work” that the center for Basque Studies had carried out over a half-century as an international beacon of Basque culture, even in times it was silenced and not officially recognized in its own territory.  The University of Nevada Reno, also boasts the largest Basque library outside of Euskal Herria, putting special emphasis on Basque migration and the Basque Diaspora around the world.

22nd Edition of the ENE Award

Eusko Ikaskuntza began awarding the ENE in 2006, to recognize the continued work of outside institutions in favor of Euskera and the Basque culture, thus giving visibility to these entities and offering their support and recognition to continue.  The award is a reproduction of the ENE design by Nestor Basterretxea and will be presented at an event whose date is yet to be determined.

Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna

The International Day of Euskera (Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna, ENE) began in 1949 by Eusko Ikaskuntza to proclaim the universality of Euskera.  The milestone took place at the VII Congress of Eusko Ikaskuntza held in Baiona.  On December 3, 1948, feast of Saint Francis Javier that date was chose to proclaim the universality of Basque.

Here are the winners to date of the ENE Saria:

2017: William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies, UNR (United States)
2016: Euskal Echea Cultural and Charitable Association (Argentina)
2015: Associazione Culturale Euskara. Rome (Italy)
2014: Gernika Deusch - Baskischer Kulturverein. Berlín (Germany)
2013: Euskaltzaleak – Basque Language School, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
2012: Unión Vasca. Bahía Blanca (Argentina)
2011: Hogar Vasco - Euskal Etxea. Madrid (Spain)
2010: Sustraiak - Erroak Elkartea. Paris (France)
2009: The North American Basque Organizations, Inc. (NABO, United States)
2008: Eskualdunen Biltzarra - Association des Basques. Bordeaux (France)
2007: Bartzelonako Euskal Etxea. Barcelona (Catalonia)
2006: Artaburu Euskaltzale Elkartea. Mar del Plata (Argentina)

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