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The iPad mini in HABE’s contest “What can I do for Euskera,” went to Kepa Ramos


Winner Kepa Ramos, left, receiving the prize from HABE director Joseba Erkizia (photoHABE)
Winner Kepa Ramos, left, receiving the prize from HABE director Joseba Erkizia (photoHABE)


This year at the HABE stand at the Durango Book Fair, visitors were asked: “What can I do for Euskera?”  The answers from those who participated were gathered and among all of them, an iPad mini was awarded to Kepa Ramos.  He was presented the prize by Joseba Erkizia, HABE director.  Following are some of the answers.  And you?  What can you for Euskera? 

Donostia-San Sebastian.   There were many who responded to the questions “Zer egin dezaket nik euskararen alde?” (What can I do for Basque?) at HABE’s stand at the Durango Book Fair.  There were many, and varied responses, but only one of them won the prize.  The winner was chosen this week and so Kepa Ramos, received the prize from HABE director himself, Joseba Erkizia.

Following are some of the responses:

Zer egin dezaket nik euskararen alde? What can I do for Basque?

-Lehen berba beti euskaraz! (The first word always in Euskera)
-Euskara transmititu eta maitatu (Transmit Basque and love it)
-Nire lagunekin euskaraz aritu! (Speak Basque with my friends)
-Euskaraz hitz egin eta harro egon! (Speak Basque and be proud of it)
-Euskaltegira joan eta asko ikasi (Go to the Euskaltegi and learn a lot)
-Darlo a conocer a todos mis conocidos (Make everyone aware of it)
-Eskubide urraketa oro salatu! (Denounce all rights violations)
-Egunerokotasunean erabilita, jendea erabiltzera bultzatu, eta norbaitek gaizki eginez gero, barre egin gabe, lagundu! (Use it daily, and encourage others to use it, and if someone speaks badly, help them out without laughing)
-Euskara gure egunerokotasuneko arlo guztietan erabili! (Use Basque everywhere daily)
-Horren urrun sentitzen dutenei gure hizkuntza gerturatu eta pixkanaka eurena sentiarazi (Bring those who feel distant from our language closer and make it feel more like theirs little by little

-Egunero hitz egin, bizi, disfrutatu, erakutsi, ulertu, gozatu, bizi! (Speak it daily, enjoy it, teach it, understand it and live it)

-Euskaraz hitz egin ondo zein txarto. Euskaraz bizi (Good or bad, speak Basque.  Live in Basque)
-Maitatu (amarlo)
-Seme-alabekin euskaraz mintzatu, beti euskaraz aritu (Speak to our children always in Basque)
-Try not to forget it.  It’s my roots but I don’t speak it.
-Bardin segidu. Ahal daurien guztiekaz euskeraz komunikatu ta ez dakienari ikisten lagundu (Stay the same, communicate in Basque with all that I can, and if someone doesn’t know it, teach them)

From, we are asking the same question.  Please leave your responses in our comments section! 

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