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The exhibit “Gernika 80 Years” arrived at the Night of Museums in Pergamino thanks to Lagun Onak


Inauguration of the “Gernika 80 Years” exhibit at the Night of Museums event in Pergamino
Inauguration of the “Gernika 80 Years” exhibit at the Night of Museums event in Pergamino


The Pergamino Basque club doubly participated in the “Night of Museums” with a photo exhibit about the 80th anniversary of the Bombing of Gernika, along with performances by their dantzaris and a Tamborrada at the INTA. The exhibit, “Gernika 80 Years,” was exhibited at the Municipal Museum. The dance and musical performances concluded the guided visits that took place at the Experimental Station, INTA, recently declared a “National Historic Site” 

Pergamino, Argentina.   On Saturday, November 24th in the afternoon and for 24 hours the cultural institutions of the city of Pergamino were open to the public so that they could enjoy “Night of Museums,” 2017, a large variety of exhibits and artistic performances.

The local Basque club was part of this mega-event with a large participation on Saturday the 24th as well as on Sunday the 35th.  On Saturday, and after making all the necessary arrangements with the Peace Museum in Gernika, Lagun Onak inaugurated the “Gernika 80 Years” exhibit in the hall of the city’s Municipal Museum.  The event was led by Mayor Javier Martinez.

On Sunday, the meeting point for Basque club members was at the INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) facilities.  As part of the “Night of Museum,” the city organized a guided circuit through this venue that was declared as a National Historic Site in August.  After the tour, the artists from the Basque club performed music and dancing.  The tamborreros also played the traditional Tamborrada and the group, Goizeko Izarra danced Makil Dantza and Fandango among other dances.

Last acitivites of the year

In a few days, 2017 will be over and Argentine Basque club continue saying Farwell to the year with different events before entering into the well-deserved summer break.  In the case of the Pergamino Basque club, on December 2nd, members and friends of Lagun Onak gathered for the last dinner of the year, to celebrate the International Day of Euskera as well as the close of the year’s activities.  All this, even if Basques in Pergamino still have one more commitment before the end of December, on the 9th with their stand at the Art Night event organized by the city. 

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