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Eusketxe announces the winners of the Stories and Videos Contest: awards will travel to Viedma-Patagones and Azul


Eusketxe’s “Euskaraz beti Aurrera” contest
Eusketxe’s “Euskaraz beti Aurrera” contest


Basque students and teachers at the Aberri Etxea Basque Club in Viedma y Patagones, and Gure Txokoa Basque Club in Azul, are the winners of the “Euskaraz beti aurrera” contest organized by the Eusko Kultur Etxea in Buenos Aires.  The winning submissions will be published soon on the institution’s blog and winners will receive their prizes, certificates and books, in the mail. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   Yesterday afternoon the president of the Eusko Kultur Etxea-Eusketxe, Maria Elena Etcheverry, announced the winners of the “Euskaraz beti Aurrera,” contest organized by the institution to celebrate International Day of Euskera 2017.

According to the jury comprised of Jon Urdangarin from Maizpide; Gabriel Arce from Eusketxe and Marian Paglialunga, representative of the Argntinan Euskaraz Project, the winning authors and submissions were the following:


Beginning, First prize: ‘Iñakiak’ by Pablo Sergio Calabrese, Aberri Etxea in Viedma-Patagones
Beginning, Second prize: ‘Gure Txokoa’ by María del Rosario Barberena, Gure Txokoa in Azul

Advanced, First prize: the jury declared this empty
Advanced, Second prize: ‘Argentovask-Papelonera familia’ de Domitila Noemí Palma Galdon, Aberri Etxea in Viedma-Patagones


Beginning, First prize: ‘Umeen Bideoa’ (Children’s video). Irakasles: Rocío Basterra and Lucia Beroqui, Aberri Etxea in Viedma-Patagones
Beginning, Second prize: ‘Pablo eta Ana’ (Pablo and Ana).
Irakasle: Rocío Basterra. Ikasles: Analia Vassolo Etcheto, Pablo Calabrese and Imanol Basterra,  Aberri Etxea in Viedma-Patagones

Advanced, First prize: ‘Mati izeba eta Lauti’ (Aunt Mati and Lauti). Irakasle: Rocío Basterra. Ikasles: Matias Jaureguy, Abachin Basterra, Lautaro Castro, Federico Navarret and Imanol Basterra, Aberri Etxea in Viedma-Patagones
Advanced, Second prize: ‘Euskararen Hegoak’ (Euskera’s Wings). Irakasle: Beatriz Etchegaray. Ikasles: Marta Azcarate, Walter Belloso, Elisabet Berrojalbiz, María del Carmen Elzaurdia, Raúl Goicoechea, Diana Pérez Ibargoyen and Marisa Santa Cruz Oliden, Aberri Etxea in Viedma-Patagones

The winning works, both texts and videos will be published soon on the Eusketxe’s blog.

María Elena Etcheverry was very happy with how the contest went.  “We are very happy and we would like to congratulate all the participants and winners.  At the same time, I confess that we were hoping for more participation from Basque students.  But we also understand that it isn’t easy to write and that, for example, in Buenos Aires, the rhythm of life makes it difficult participating in these things, even if they want to. But we will not give up and will continue to organize these kinds of activities since it is always good to have creative possibilities to use Basque,” Etcheverry concluded. 

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