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A documentary introduces 100 years old recordings of Basque prisoners from World War I


An image of the documentary “Maitia nun zira?”
An image of the documentary “Maitia nun zira?”


Voices from the past, specifically those from World War I, where Basque soldiers who were taken prisoner by Germany recorded their desires, longing, songs and messages for their families.  The recordings became known thanks to the Museum of Ethnography in Berlin, and now, a project by the EKE and Mondragon University have presented "Maitia nun zira?," a documentary about them. 

Donostia-San Sebastian.   The Euskal Kultura Erakundea (Basque Institute of Iparralde) and Mondragon University have presented the video-documentary “Maitia nun zira?” based on recordings done in Germany of Basque soldiers being held prisoner during hte war of 1914-18.  The documentary was done by Elena Canas and Ainara Menoyo, graduate students in Audiovisual Communication at the university, in hopes of introducing these recordings and transmit their history and context.

The recordings were done between 1915-1918, by the Phonographic Commission of Prussia and recorded prisoners in German prison camps during the war.  Among these, were several Basque soldiers, who left very special songs, messages and testimonies in Basque.

In 2014, the Ethnographic Museum in Berlin and Humboldt University presented a copy of these interviews to the Euskal Kultur Erakundea.

The documentary can be seen online on Vimeo.  Here are included the original recordings and interview with several Basque cultural agents who reflect on these messages and their historic context.  Participants include: Odei Barroso, Xabi Etcheverry, Bea Salaberry and Katixa Dolhare, Edurne Garmendia, Iñaki Perurena, Eneko Sagardoy, Aritz Labrador, Reyes Prados, Eneko Bidegain, Karmele Jaio, Daniel Landart, Aitor Arregi, Javier Martinez, Maider Bedaxagar, Maite Deliart, Mikel Urdangarin and Kepa Junkera.

Maitia nun zira ? from Euskal kultura - Culture Basque on Vimeo.

More information on these recording on EKE’s website: Alemaniako 1914-1918 gerlako euskal presoen grabaketen aurkezpen orria

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