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A Basque-German online dictionary was presented, along with a useful conversation guide for Basque students


The conversation guide presented yesterday can be consulted easily by students learning Basque in clubs (see links).
The conversation guide presented yesterday can be consulted easily by students learning Basque in clubs (see links).


The vice-minister of Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government has presented an online Basque-German/German-Basque dictionary, along with a general dictionary, the updated Elhuyar dictionary as well as six other dictionaries of terms approved by the Basque Government's Commission of Terminology of the Euskera Advisory Board.  “Conversation Models” was also presented, a recommended guide for anyone studying Euskera at Basque clubs (see links)


Donostia-San Sebastian.   The German-Euskara / Euskara-German  is the work of Elena Martinez Rubio and was originally published in 2006 on paper by Elkar, although now available online.  Along with this, another general dictionary (Euskera-euskera) was presented, the online version of the updated Elhuyar dictionary.

Six other dictionaries were presented with terminology approved by the Commission of Terminology of the Euskera Advisory Board.  In the area of Linguistic Landscapes, Business and Consumption are also available Merkataritza eta Marketina Hiztegia (Dictionary of Commerce and Marketing) and Kontsumitzaileen eta erabiltzaileen defentsa Hiztegia (Dictionary for the defense of consumer and users), according to the Europa Press.

In the area of sports, Errugbi Hiztegia (Rugby Dictionary) was published where Iñaki Laskurain stresses the importance of this sport that “unites teams from Iparralde and Hegoalde,” and Mendizaletasuna Hiztegia (Mountaineering Dictionary). In the area of Business and Law, new tools include: Herri-ogasuna Hiztegia (Dictionary of Public Finance) and Prozedura Kriminala Hiztegia (Dictionary of Criminal Procedure).  In this area, Xabier Alerdi has expressed the need to “socialize” these tools.  “This work can’ stop here, and there can’t be just link on the internet.  We need to make all professionals aware of it to take full advantage of it,” he noted.

Finally, a special work was presented that was approved by the Commission of Terminology, providing conversation models for different situations in daily life that can be consulted in Basque or Spanish (see Conversation Models and Hizketa ereduak).  This publication hopes to provide help to people who are learning Basque.

Since beginning in 2002, the commission has approved 52 terminological dictionaries.

The dictionary presentation took place in Donostia yesterday with the Vice-Minister of Linguistic Policy, Patxi Baztarrika in attendance, the Basque Government’s Director for the Promotion of Euskera, Jokin Azkue, the director of Kontsumobide, Xabier Legarreta, as well as Xabier Balerdi, representing the Department of Justice, the president of the Basque Federation of Rugby, Iñaki Laskurain, the Director of Elkar, Olatz Osa, Josu Aztiria, representing the  Elhuyar Foundation, the subdirector of Euskera at IVAP, Eneko Oregi and Araceli Diaz de Lezana, who is responsible for Linguistic Planification of the Vice-Ministery of Linguistic Policy.

-Links to different Basque Dictionaries
-Link to an Automatic Translator
-Link to Download software in Euskera


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